Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE)
Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE), Psychological Health Promotion (PHP) Directorate, Joint Incentive Fund (JIF) 7: Implementation of Problem Solving Training for Behavioral Health Clinicians; 2014-2016
We led the team to achieve the three objectives set out for JIF 7: (1) establish a national DoD/VA training program, (2) evaluate PST program and outcomes for Service Members and Veterans, and (3) support sustained implementation of PST in behavioral health settings across the enterprise. Support for JIF 7 culminated in the training of 93 DoD providers and 92 VA providers in Problem Solving Training and 12 DoD providers and 14 VA providers were trained as Master Trainers.