Marketing Consultant for American Nurses Association
Development of the Star Nurses Website: We led the development of the Starnurses.com website. Our team was working as the program managers to oversee the layout, customer journey, content, and execution of the website. The Star Nurses is nomination platform created by American Nurses Association (ANA) in partnership with The Washington Post. Nurses across the Washington D.C. Metro area were nominated for their excellence in nursing and would be recognized by their peers at ANA’s annual National Nurses Week event. The website included a registration field, a database to securely store the nominated nurses’ information, sponsors and sponsorship guidelines, and a countdown clock to highlight deadlines.
Development of the Nurse Focus website. We led the layout, development, and content structure of the nursefocus.org website. We responsible for managing the entire web development team which included American Nurses Association (ANA) personnel, UX designer, graphic designer, and a web development company. Nurse Focus is an all-encompassing resource for anyone within the nursing field. The website is designed to help users who have an interest in nursing learn everything they need to know from the best schools, career training, job placement, and certification preparation. The design intent is to help nurses in various stages of their careers take advantage of the tools Nurse Focus offers to take their career aspirations to the next level. This project included completely redesigning the nursefocus.org website to improve the customer journey for users by quickly helping them to obtain access to the training materials they need, find the latest job posting for nurses from institutions of all kinds, determine your career path and the outlook for your chosen field, and a blog that creates a nursing community.
Managed the Integrated National Campaign for ANA and Prudential. This was a digital media marketing campaign focused on educating nurses on the financial product Prudential offers. There is over 4 million nurses who we were targeting for this campaign. We were tasked with developing the marketing plan, creating an integrated marketing strategy, and managing the execution of the campaign. We use ANA assets and their existing marketing channels for unpaid media. We also managed their paid media promotion to include LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google Adwords (display and search).
This campaign included a multifaceted project management approach. We oversaw the development of the creatives, created, and provided guidance on the content, and managed the performance of the
campaign. We conduct bi-weekly meetings to report on the performance of the campaign. Our goals include education, awareness, and lead generation depending on the topic.